Capitol Area Quarter Horse Association, Inc
Charter #690510
Charter #690510
Article I Name
This Association shall be known as CAPITOL AREA QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION, herein referred to as CAQHA. CAQHA shall at all times be operated as a non-profit association in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas providing for such organizations and by which it shall acquire such rights as granted to associations of this kind. In addition, CAQHA shall abide by the Internal Revenue Code and the applicable regulations relating to treatment as non-profit organizations of the United States.
Article II Purpose
CAQHA is formed for the following purpose:(1) To promote the interests of CAQHA members and their horses.
(2) To foster relationships with owners, breeders, exhibitors, and trainers of all horse breeds.
(3) To stimulate, regulate, advance, publicize, and promote matters regarding the exhibition, breeding, publicity, care, sale, and improvement of American Quarter horses as well as other horse breeds.
(4) To provide activities that will support education and the overall growth of the horse industry.
(5) To develop friendship and fellowship among horse enthusiasts.
Article III Governing Body
Section 1: General. The operation of the Association will be governed by an executive branch (hereafter referred to as the Board). The composition of the Board includes a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer (hereafter referred to as the Officers) and the Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as the Directors). Each Director must be a CAQHA member in good standing.
Section 2: Term. Officers are to be appointed for a one-year term with the term of office to run from January 1st to December 31st. Each officer may only serve 3 terms consecutively (three years). Each Director will serve a three-year term.
Section 3: Officers. The Association will have an executive committee consisting of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member may not hold more than one office of the Association concurrently.
1. Power and Duties. The Board of Directors will exercise full and complete authority and control over the business of the CAQHA subject to any restrictions imposed by law, the Articles of Incorporation, and these Bylaws.
2. The Board of directors will:
● Responsibly bring all matters concerning the association directly to the President for discussion.
● Directors do not make decisions independently or outside the scope of a Board member’s responsibility.
● Represent the interest of the association and act as liaison to the membership. Board members are expected to present ideas to the Board concerning ways to improve the association and/or to further its objectives.
● Be responsible for the oversight of all committees and to approve the goals and budgets of all committees. Directors may be asked to chair or serve as a liaison to committees as needed.
● Be responsible for the financial management of the association.
● Develop the membership base by recruiting new members and making new members and visitors feel welcome.
Section 5: Meetings. The Board will conduct regular meetings at least three times per year, at such time and place as will be determined by them. Special meetings may be called by the President or by any (3) members of the Board. Notification of regular meetings must be given to all Directors at least two weeks in advance. Notification of special meetings must be given to all Directors at least one week in advance.
Section 6: Quorum. A majority of the Board will constitute a quorum.
Section 7: Approval of Business. Provided a quorum is met, a simple majority (51%) of the voting members in attendance at a meeting will be sufficient to approve any motion with the exception of bylaws amendments.
Section 8: Resignation. Any Officer/Director may resign at any time by giving written notice of such resignation to the Board. Any vacancy occurring prior to the regular election will be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1: General. Membership will be open to any person interested in and supporting the objectives of CAQHA.
Section 2: Types. Categories of membership include Adult, Youth, and/or Life Members.
Section 3: Voting Members.
Section 4: Dues. The Board will determine membership dues at the second membership meeting for the following calendar year. Dues are valid from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
Section 5. Termination of Membership. All members of CAQHA are subject to the Bylaws and rules of CAQHA.
A. Reasons for Termination. A member may be removed from membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors with no refund of dues. Membership may be terminated for any of the following reasons:
1. The member has performed an inappropriate action or illegal action affecting the association, including, but not limited to, failure to operate under the Bylaws, theft of CAQHA funds, or behaving in an unacceptable manner at any CAQHA activity which could jeopardize the reputation of CAQHA or could be detrimental to the association in any way. In such a case, the President will interview the member prior to discussion by the Board to give the member an opportunity to explain his action.
2. Any CAQHA member expelled by the American Quarter Horse Association will automatically be expelled from CAQHA with no refund of dues.
3. The member has failed to pay dues.
Article V – Membership & Meetings
Section 1: General. Meetings may be called by the President, a majority of the Board, or by twenty voting members. Meetings may be in person or virtual, or both.
Section 2: Location. The Board will determine the location of all meetings.
Section 3: Notice. Written notification of membership meetings must be given to all members at least two weeks in advance.
Section 4: Quorum. Any business requiring votes must be approved by a majority of voting members present.
Article VI Committees
Section 1: General. The President will appoint a Chairperson to each committee subject to confirmation by the Board. The Board will authorize and define the powers and the duties of all committees. The purpose of the committees is to make recommendations to the Board and to carry on such activities as delegated to them by the Board. At committee meetings a majority will constitute a quorum.
Article VII Elections
Section 1: General. Adult or Life members in good standing are eligible to serve on the Board. No more than one-third (1/3) of the Board will be elected at any one time.
Section 2: Process. On or beforeDecember 1, the Directors and the Board, will submit a list of the recommended nominees to the Board. No member’s name will be placed on the ballot for election unless that individual has indicated a willingness to serve. On or before December 5, the Secretary must prepare ballots listing the names of the candidates and distribute ballots to all members in good standing of CAQHA. (The ballot may also be distributed digitally.) The completed ballots should be returned to the Association’s Secretary on or before January 1.
Section 3: Outcome. The election results will be distributed to CAQHA members by January 15 of the following year.
Article VIII – By-laws
Section 1: Amendments. These By-laws may be amended at any meeting provided that:
Article IX – Parliamentary Authority
All questions regarding procedures will be determined according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article X – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Association, the current Board will liquidate and satisfy all liabilities and donate the remaining assets to an non-profit equine research organization and/or Texas A & M University Equine Research Department and/or the AQHA Scholarship Fund and/or any 501 © horse related organization.
● Revised – September, 1990
● Effective – January 1, 1991
● Revised – July 13, 1999
● Effective – January 1, 2000
● Revised – November 30, 2004
● Effective – January 1, 2005
● Revised - July 24, 2022
This Association shall be known as CAPITOL AREA QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION, herein referred to as CAQHA. CAQHA shall at all times be operated as a non-profit association in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas providing for such organizations and by which it shall acquire such rights as granted to associations of this kind. In addition, CAQHA shall abide by the Internal Revenue Code and the applicable regulations relating to treatment as non-profit organizations of the United States.
Article II Purpose
CAQHA is formed for the following purpose:(1) To promote the interests of CAQHA members and their horses.
(2) To foster relationships with owners, breeders, exhibitors, and trainers of all horse breeds.
(3) To stimulate, regulate, advance, publicize, and promote matters regarding the exhibition, breeding, publicity, care, sale, and improvement of American Quarter horses as well as other horse breeds.
(4) To provide activities that will support education and the overall growth of the horse industry.
(5) To develop friendship and fellowship among horse enthusiasts.
Article III Governing Body
Section 1: General. The operation of the Association will be governed by an executive branch (hereafter referred to as the Board). The composition of the Board includes a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer (hereafter referred to as the Officers) and the Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as the Directors). Each Director must be a CAQHA member in good standing.
Section 2: Term. Officers are to be appointed for a one-year term with the term of office to run from January 1st to December 31st. Each officer may only serve 3 terms consecutively (three years). Each Director will serve a three-year term.
Section 3: Officers. The Association will have an executive committee consisting of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member may not hold more than one office of the Association concurrently.
- The President will preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board. The President will perform such duties as are necessary to administer the affairs of the Association and sign on behalf of the Association, any contracts or agreements, authorized by the Board. The President may appoint committees that facilitate the purpose of the Association.
- The First Vice-President will act in the absence of the President. In the absence of both the President and the First Vice-President, a member of the Board will be selected to act temporarily on their behalf. The First Vice-President will serve as the Parliamentarian and assist the President in the administration of the Association
- The Second Vice-President will assist the President and First Vice-President.
- The Secretary will keep all official records of the Association and have custody of the Association’s seal. The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings and keeping an updated roster of the members of the Association. The Secretary may sign (with the President) on behalf of the Association, any contracts or agreements, authorized by the Board.
- The Treasurer has custody of all Association funds and is responsible for maintaining an inventory of Association assets. The Treasurer is responsible for submitting an operating budget to the Board. The Treasurer assures proper accounting of Association expenditures and revenues and will make financial records available to any member upon written request. The Board may appoint a person to conduct a financial review of records at the end of each calendar year.
1. Power and Duties. The Board of Directors will exercise full and complete authority and control over the business of the CAQHA subject to any restrictions imposed by law, the Articles of Incorporation, and these Bylaws.
2. The Board of directors will:
● Responsibly bring all matters concerning the association directly to the President for discussion.
● Directors do not make decisions independently or outside the scope of a Board member’s responsibility.
● Represent the interest of the association and act as liaison to the membership. Board members are expected to present ideas to the Board concerning ways to improve the association and/or to further its objectives.
● Be responsible for the oversight of all committees and to approve the goals and budgets of all committees. Directors may be asked to chair or serve as a liaison to committees as needed.
● Be responsible for the financial management of the association.
● Develop the membership base by recruiting new members and making new members and visitors feel welcome.
Section 5: Meetings. The Board will conduct regular meetings at least three times per year, at such time and place as will be determined by them. Special meetings may be called by the President or by any (3) members of the Board. Notification of regular meetings must be given to all Directors at least two weeks in advance. Notification of special meetings must be given to all Directors at least one week in advance.
Section 6: Quorum. A majority of the Board will constitute a quorum.
Section 7: Approval of Business. Provided a quorum is met, a simple majority (51%) of the voting members in attendance at a meeting will be sufficient to approve any motion with the exception of bylaws amendments.
Section 8: Resignation. Any Officer/Director may resign at any time by giving written notice of such resignation to the Board. Any vacancy occurring prior to the regular election will be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1: General. Membership will be open to any person interested in and supporting the objectives of CAQHA.
Section 2: Types. Categories of membership include Adult, Youth, and/or Life Members.
- Youth membership is available for member’s 18 years and younger. The age of an individual on January 1 will be maintained throughout the year. The duration of youth membership is one calendar year (January 1 – December 31) and is non transferable.
- Adult membership is for individuals over 19 years of age and older with duration of one calendar year. Adult members in good standing have voting privileges. The duration of adult membership is one calendar year (January 1 – December 31) and is non transferable
- Life membership has the same privileges as the Adult membership and does not expire.
Section 3: Voting Members.
- Individual members will receive one vote on matters of business or election.
- Individual + spouse will receive one vote on matters of business or election.
- Life members will receive one vote on matters of business or election.
- Youth members will not have a vote on matters coming before the membership.
- Membership year consists of January 1 to December 31 of any given year.
Section 4: Dues. The Board will determine membership dues at the second membership meeting for the following calendar year. Dues are valid from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
Section 5. Termination of Membership. All members of CAQHA are subject to the Bylaws and rules of CAQHA.
A. Reasons for Termination. A member may be removed from membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors with no refund of dues. Membership may be terminated for any of the following reasons:
1. The member has performed an inappropriate action or illegal action affecting the association, including, but not limited to, failure to operate under the Bylaws, theft of CAQHA funds, or behaving in an unacceptable manner at any CAQHA activity which could jeopardize the reputation of CAQHA or could be detrimental to the association in any way. In such a case, the President will interview the member prior to discussion by the Board to give the member an opportunity to explain his action.
2. Any CAQHA member expelled by the American Quarter Horse Association will automatically be expelled from CAQHA with no refund of dues.
3. The member has failed to pay dues.
Article V – Membership & Meetings
Section 1: General. Meetings may be called by the President, a majority of the Board, or by twenty voting members. Meetings may be in person or virtual, or both.
Section 2: Location. The Board will determine the location of all meetings.
Section 3: Notice. Written notification of membership meetings must be given to all members at least two weeks in advance.
Section 4: Quorum. Any business requiring votes must be approved by a majority of voting members present.
Article VI Committees
Section 1: General. The President will appoint a Chairperson to each committee subject to confirmation by the Board. The Board will authorize and define the powers and the duties of all committees. The purpose of the committees is to make recommendations to the Board and to carry on such activities as delegated to them by the Board. At committee meetings a majority will constitute a quorum.
Article VII Elections
Section 1: General. Adult or Life members in good standing are eligible to serve on the Board. No more than one-third (1/3) of the Board will be elected at any one time.
Section 2: Process. On or beforeDecember 1, the Directors and the Board, will submit a list of the recommended nominees to the Board. No member’s name will be placed on the ballot for election unless that individual has indicated a willingness to serve. On or before December 5, the Secretary must prepare ballots listing the names of the candidates and distribute ballots to all members in good standing of CAQHA. (The ballot may also be distributed digitally.) The completed ballots should be returned to the Association’s Secretary on or before January 1.
Section 3: Outcome. The election results will be distributed to CAQHA members by January 15 of the following year.
Article VIII – By-laws
Section 1: Amendments. These By-laws may be amended at any meeting provided that:
- They have been submitted in advance to the membership.
- The Board and membership has had sufficient time to study them.
- Proposed by-laws or amendments must be held over to the next stated meeting or to a special meeting called for action thereon. The notice of the meeting must be sent to every member of CAQHA.
- The changes will require a two-thirds majority vote of members who vote.
Article IX – Parliamentary Authority
All questions regarding procedures will be determined according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article X – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the Association, the current Board will liquidate and satisfy all liabilities and donate the remaining assets to an non-profit equine research organization and/or Texas A & M University Equine Research Department and/or the AQHA Scholarship Fund and/or any 501 © horse related organization.
● Revised – September, 1990
● Effective – January 1, 1991
● Revised – July 13, 1999
● Effective – January 1, 2000
● Revised – November 30, 2004
● Effective – January 1, 2005
● Revised - July 24, 2022
Mission Statement
To promote interest in the American Quarter Horse
To develop friendship and fellowship among horsemen
To exchange ideas, practices, and methods of operation for the education of the Association’s members
To develop friendship and fellowship among horsemen
To exchange ideas, practices, and methods of operation for the education of the Association’s members